McCormick County Chamber of Commerce needs your support! Come join us in the MACK park located at 115 S. Main Street on Saturday, Feb. 1, 2020, at 11:30 a.m. to be part of the HGTV Home Town Takeover Contest Rally.
A group of passionate community members has pulled out all the stops to ensure winning this HGTV Hometown Takeover Contest which would be a claim to fame for downtown McCormick, SC. If this piques your interest please join other McCormick, SC residents at the MACK park.
submitted by Shaaron Kohl, January 29, 2020 – McCormick Visitor Council
“Home Town” is a current hit series on HGTV, hosted by a fresh young couple, Erin and Ben Napier of Laurel, Mississippi. Its popularity has resulted in a spin-off “Home Town Takeover” to be aired in 2021. The six-episode series will chronicle the Napier’s ambitious intent to breathe new life and purpose into a “small-town America,” drawing on the town’s roots, history, and traditions.
Private and public spaces will be considered for makeovers, including homes, parks, Main Street, and significant historical structures. Any small town (population less than 40,000) across America can be considered. The town’s show and tell—and sell—must be submitted to HGTV by February 7, 2020, to vie for winning this coveted opportunity.
You can imagine the frenzy.
That brings us to McCormick, South Carolina. Definitely a small town—approximately 1,500 town residents.
After Billy Dorn discovered gold here in 1852, a settlement dubbed “Dorn’s Mines” formed. Years later, reaper inventor Cyrus McCormick purchased the mines and influenced the railroad to route through town—a terrific economic benefit for this cotton-based agricultural area. Dorn’s Mines changed to ‘McCormick’ when it was incorporated in 1882.
The town’s heyday probably peaked in the early 1950’s—the town supported not one but two new car dealerships. Every day, five to seven trains stopped in McCormick, SC. Any Saturday, visitors to the town walked a crowded Main Street, shoulder to shoulder.
McCormick and its passionate backers have pulled out all stops to ensure winning this claim to fame! The purpose of this impromptu rally is to convey to HGTV that without a doubt McCormick fans are adamant about making this happen.