Investing in Workforce Development
Technical colleges in the region are dedicated to continuing workforce development and graduating students ready to enter the workforce. In 2015, Aiken Technical College opened its Center for Energy and Advanced Manufacturing (CEAM), a facility that will provide the highest quality nuclear and manufacturing training to fill the high-demand jobs available in the region. Piedmont Technical College offers a wide variety of career studies programs and transfer opportunities to colleges and universities throughout South Carolina.
There is a history of companies locating in Western SC and expanding, and this is a testament to the region’s workforce readiness. MTU a Rolls Royce Solution began operations in Aiken County in 2010, and in 2013 added a new research and development facility as well as a new administration building. In 2012, when Bondex doubled its plant size in Edgefield County, a talented workforce was cited as one of the reasons why we have an excellent business environment. Most recently Generac opened their southeastern manufacturing and distribution hub in Edgefield County adding over 1,200 employees, and Shaw Inc announced an expansion with the addition of 800 new jobs in Aiken County.
Prepared for New and Existing Industries
The region’s workforce is consistently growing in both number and skill. Saluda and Edgefield Counties are Certified Work Ready Communities. This certification makes communities more attractive to existing and new businesses because it demonstrates that a community is home to a skilled workforce.
Workforce Programs
South Carolina’s readySC™ program is a nationally recognized training program and prepares workers for new and expanding industries at no cost to the companies. All South Carolina’s technical colleges are partners of the readySC™ program.
Apprenticeship Carolina™
Apprenticeship Carolina™ works to ensure all employers in South Carolina have access to the information and technical assistance they need to create demand-driven registered apprenticeship programs.
At no cost to the employer, apprenticeship consultants are available to guide companies through the registered apprenticeship development process from initial information to full recognition in the national Registered Apprenticeship System.
Enterprise Zone Retraining Program™
When your company is ready to install new equipment, implement new processes, or upgrade technology, the EZone program can refund 67% of your training dollars spent on full-time, front line production or technology employees with 2+ years on company payroll. As a part of the SC Technical College System, EZone works in partnership with our 16 technical colleges and the South Carolina Department of Revenue to promote industry competitiveness in our state and drive economic growth in our communities.”