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Tubeless toilet paper rolls out: Kimberly-Clark Beech Island plant creates eco-friendly bath tissue

September 16, 2014

Kimberly-Clark is rolling out a new tubeless toilet paper product that is being produced only at the company’s Beech Island plant.

 Scott Naturals, owned by Kimberly-Clark Corp., is producing a roll of bath tissue that has no center cardboard tube. The company began testing the product in three markets in 2004.

“It was extremely successful, so they decided to roll it out across the country,” said Jared Mackrory, brand manager for Scott.

The company expects the move to eliminate much of the 17 billion toilet paper tubes thrown away each year.

That’s enough to fill the Empire State Building twice, according to Mackrory.

“That’s a big impact to have from one mill in South Carolina,” Mackrory said. “That small step can really have a big impact.”

Mackrory said the new roll will work with any common toilet paper dispenser.

“Right at the end, when you’re done, instead of there being a cardboard tube, there’s nothing left at all,” he said. “You can use every last sheet.”

Mackrory declined to comment on why the Beech Island plant is the only one producing the rolls and the quantity it is producing.

“It’s very difficult to do that core,” he said. “It has something to do with the speed they’re made at, and having something to attach the paper to. Not having that core is what makes it difficult.”

Mackrory said the tubeless rolls cost about the same; however, individual retailers decide how to price the products.

The tubeless rolls are available at major national retailers, including Wal-Mart, Target, Walgreen’s and Food Lion.

The company has even launched a social media campaign along with the new product that encourages people to “toss the tube,” using the hashtag #tossthetube.

Anyone who goes online and takes the pledge will receive a coupon for Scott Naturals Tube-Free bath tissue.

“It’s just one part of a much larger effort we have to be more sustainable,” Mackrory said.



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